Food Secure Canada Hosts Online Discussions on A Food Policy for Canada

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: September 25, 2017

Categories: Events / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members

Food Secure Canada is hosting online discussions over the next week to gather input from Canadians on their priorities for A Food Policy for Canada.

The discussions are based on four themes covering the full spectrum of the food system: new farmers, food security, food entrepreneurs and public procurement.

The “New Farmers” discussion was held last week, but the other three are coming up this week. You can register through clicking on each of the following links:

Food Entrepreneurs, September 25 @ 12 p.m. – How can the federal government better support food entrepreneurs?

Institutional Food Procurement, September 26 @ 12 p.m. – Bringing together practitioners working to increase local, sustainable food procurement by schools, campuses and health care facilities.

Food Insecurity, September 28 @ 12 p.m. – Discussion on how to ensure access to nutritious and culturally appropriate food for all Canadians and achieve zero hunger.

Learn more about A Food Policy for Canada here.

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