OMAFRA Sets Local Food Access Goals

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Author: Alena Cawthorne

Posted: January 17, 2017

Categories: Food in the News / GoodFoodBites

OMAFRA has recently released three goals to help increase access to local food. In 2016 “increasing access to local food” became the next area of focus under the local food act.

Three goals have been set by the ministry to increase access to local food:
1: Increase opportunities for all Ontarians to choose local food.
2: Increase the variety of local food offerings to celebrate the diversity of Ontario and its foods.
3: Increase collaborations and strengthen partnerships among producers, communities, and the public and private sectors to enhance local food availability.

More details regarding these goals will be found in this years annual Local Food Report. The ministry states that the initial focus will be on establishing baselines for measuring progress related to the goals.

Did you miss last years report? You can read it online!

Read more about the Local Food Act!


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