New Resource for Growing Food at Public Institutions

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Author: Alena Cawthorne

Posted: January 12, 2017

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members

Looking to establish strategies or policies that would facilitate food production or food gardens at public institutions? Whether you’re training new farmers or persuading board members Project SOIL’s newest report is a must-read!
For three years Project SOIL has used case studies, pilot projects, and visioning sessions to investigate the viability of on-site food production at public institutions, through collaborative arrangements with local food producers. The report focuses on their most recent work with hospitals, “Ontario Public Institutions and On-site Food Production: Visualizing the Future for Health Care“, establishes a baseline of preconditions, useful practices, potential barriers and positive adaptations for a diverse set of institutional and community settings. The report is aimed to help project leads envision how their idea will come to fruition, identify what has worked in similar case studies, and build new collaborative partnerships that harness food’s synergistic power.
Looking for more resources? Check out our greenhouse! An online resource sharing platform.

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