Support Land Over Landings in protecting vulnerable farmland

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Author: Shawna Moore

Posted: January 3, 2017

Categories: Food in the News / News from Sustain Members

Land Over Landings, a Sustain Ontario member, has just launched a fundraising campaign in order to develop a research study to protect vulnerable pristine farmland from being developed into an airport. The research study will look at Agricultural/Rural-Growth Economics of the Remaining Pickering Federal Lands.

The following information was released by Land Over Landings regarding the campaign:

Land Over Landings has hired Econometric Research Ltd. and renowned agri-food economist Dr John Groenewegen, of JRG Consulting Inc. to study the economic potential if the Federal Lands are protected for agriculture, agri-business, and tourism – not an airport. After half a century of government studies that have failed to justify an airport, our $85,000 Agricultural/Rural-Growth Economics Study will be the first to study agriculture on the Lands, and the first not conducted on the taxpayer’s dime.

For this campaign, Land Over Landings has partnered with Green Durham Association, their sister organization, which will provide tax-deductable receipts for all online donations and for cheque donations above $50. We guarantee that 100% of your donations will go to the study and saving this prime farmland next to a national park and Canada’s largest urban centre.

Land Over Landings has attracted an impressive list of endorsements and have made a start with their fundraising, with generous donations from allies at Food and Water First and Green Durham. They still have a long way to go. The sooner they reach they goal, the sooner the study starts!

So please consider donating to this initiative and protect this beautiful land for all Canadians!

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