Humber offering courses and workshops on Sustainable Urban Beekeeping

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Author: Shawna Moore

Posted: January 2, 2017

Categories: GoodFoodBites / Growing Good Food Ideas / Opportunities

The Humber Arboretum is now offering a series of courses and hands-on workshops on Sustainable Urban Beekeeping. The program takes a look at the opportunities and challenges associated with running a small-scale urban apiary, with a focus on native bees and sustainable hive management practices that build resilience in the colony. Sign up for individual courses or complete all eight required courses and two electives to earn a Certificate of Participation in Sustainable Urban Beekeeping from Humber College (sign up for the full certificate in advance and you’ll save over $300!). The first round of one-day core courses will run in winter 2017, preparing learners to get hands-on at the Humber Arboretum hives beginning in the spring.

Core Courses being offered on Sustainable Urban Beekeeping are as followed:

Sustainable Urban Beekeeping: The Basics
BEES 010
Saturday February 4, 2017; 9:00am – 2:00pm

Native and Honey Bees: Habitat & Forage
BEES 020
Saturday March 4, 2017; 9:00am – 2:00pm

Beekeeping Challenges
BEES 030
Saturday April 1, 2017; 9:00am – 2:00pm

The Bee Yard in Spring: Experiential Workshop
BEES 040
Spring 2017

The Bee Yard in Summer: Experiential Workshop
BEES 050
Summer 2017

The Bee Yard in Autumn: Experiential Workshop
BEES 060
Fall 2017

Beekeeping: Products of the Hive
BEES 070
Fall 2017

Beekeeping: Honey Harvesting, Hands-On
BEES 080
Fall 2017

Registration is now open – learn more at

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