Do you know an outstanding young farmer? Nominate them today!
Posted: December 21, 2016
Categories: Food in the News / Growing Good Food Ideas / Opportunities

2016 Ontario Regional Winners Adrian and Jodi Roelands
Do you know a young person or young couple who are great farmers? Then you should nominate them to win an award for their outstanding work! The Ontario Outstanding Farmers Program are now accepting applications. The Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers Program is an opportunity to highlight and recognize young farmers/young farmer couples hard work and dedication to the profession. In order for a young farmer or young couple to qualify they must meet the following qualifications:
- Must be between the ages of 18 and 39
- Be farm operators
- Derive a minimum of two-thirds of their income from farming
Nominations are due January 15, 2017. You must submit the nomination form to Jason and Christina Pyke, emails are below.
- Christina –
- Jason –
To find out more information please check out the Ontario Outstanding Farmers Program website