The Huron Food Action Network is looking for new board members! Could you be the next one?

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Author: Shawna Moore

Posted: December 15, 2016

Categories: GoodFoodBites / Growing Good Food Ideas / News from Sustain Members / Opportunities

The Huron Food Action Network is looking for four board members for the upcoming year. The Huron Food Action Network mission is to “cultivating a sustainable, local food system to nourish all people of Huron County and beyond”. If you feel passionate about the mission of Huron Food Action Network then you should apply today to be a board member! The organization is looking for new board members that are food producers, retailers and producers but consumers, health professionals, social workers and gardeners are also welcome to serve on the board. This would be a great opportunity for a potential board member and Huron Food Action Network members to create a working group for a cause they really care about!

The board members responsibilities would include attending monthly board meetings via teleconference that is approximately 1 hour in length, be willing to work with the Food System Coordinator to coordinate tasks with volunteers and spread the word regarding events and other local food news and work on at least one project.  If you are interested in becoming a board member email Nathan Swartz by December 30th at

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