Webinar Recap: Collective Impact Mapping for Ontario Food Movement

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Author: Samjhana Lamichhane

Posted: April 13, 2016

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario / Webinars

Webinar_March 30_Collective Impact mapSustain Ontario in collaboration with Eco-Ethonomics and FoodShare Toronto  hosted Collective Impact Mapping for Ontario Food Movement webinar on March 30, 2016 to introduce the working version of the collective impact map and to further refine it with feedback and suggestions collected  from food stakeholders. We would like to thank everyone who is a part of this evaluation project via various means.

Phil Groff, Executive Director of Sustain Ontario opened the webinar with project introduction and thanks.  Ryan Turnbull and Trevor Benson from Eco-Ethonomics facilitated the webinar in which participants were able to share comments and feedback on collective impact map via the chatbox, discussion, or in emails during and after the event.

The valuable feedback received will be incorporated and shared in the next PGP webinar: More Resource, More Impact on April 14, 2016. 

Did you miss the webinar? Listen to the Webinar recording:

Audio Player

One response to “Webinar Recap: Collective Impact Mapping for Ontario Food Movement”

  1. […] production of a Financial Mobilization Scan, contributions to an online Resource Sharing Library, Collective Impact Map of Ontario’s food movement, and a cross-program tracking […]

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