Sustain Ontario Internships Put You on the Food Map!

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Author: Samjhana Lamichhane

Posted: April 8, 2016

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario / Opportunities / Volunteer. Job and Writing Opportunities

14478081632_6cd1bfe546_qDo you get excited about building healthy food and farming systems in Ontario?

Are you looking for an internship that will put you on the food map in Ontario?

We’re looking for talented, energetic individuals who want to grow their professional portfolio and network while sharing their skills with Sustain Ontario.  We will provide meaningful work and lots of opportunity to connect with those working in food and farming sectors.

We need students with passion and expertise for four part-time internships!

  • Research Assistant
  • Design Assistant
  • Government Relation Assistant
  • Membership Services Assistant

Hours: 10 hours a week

Location:  Our Toronto office is our hub

Note: Internships are unpaid and must be connected to credit arranged by the intern through her/his college or university.

For more information, visit our Volunteer with us page!

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