Resetting the Table at FSC 9th National Assembly, Oct 13-16

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Author: Samjhana Lamichhane

Posted: February 21, 2016

Categories: Events / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario / Opportunities

social-logo-v2-resetting-for-tableSustain Ontario is partnering with Food Secure Canada in Resetting the Table October 13-16 in Toronto.  Whether you are a chef, farmer, student, community health organizer,  policy maker, activist or business person, the table at this 9th National Assembly has a place for you!

Program at a glance:  A diverse group of speakers, workshop leaders and panelists will address a colourful mix of issues including: food policy change, health, sustainability, collaboration for change, work across difference, and the role of youth.

We hope you will join us.  There are many ways to become involved!

Submit a Proposal:  Do you have a message, a lesson, or a conversation to bring to Resetting the Table?  Submit your idea for sessions, an event or a tour!   Deadline April 1st.

Partner with Food Secure Canada:  As a partner, you will contribute time, ideas or fundraising support to a defined aspect of the Assembly.

Become a Sponsor: Invest in the future of food in Canada by joining other sponsors who care about healthy, sustainable food.