Tell us about your Bring Food Home 2015 experience!

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Author: Jenn Kucharczyk

Posted: November 26, 2015

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario

BFH-2015-collage-1a BFH-2015-collage-1b BFH-2015-collage-1cHelp us grow even more fruitful conversations about food systems change by filling out our short 5-10 minute Bring Food Home feedback survey, open to both attendees and individuals unable to attend the 2015 conference.

We want to hear about your conference objectives and how Bring Food Home 2015 deepened your connections to Ontario’s transforming food systems. This survey is also an opportunity to share your thoughts on sessions and tours, as well as the food, venues, registration, special events, outreach and more. We value your input!

Complete the survey by Friday Dec. 4th @ 12pm ET for a chance to win a local food feast!*

*To be eligible to win, you must provide your email address at the end of the survey and be able to provide an Ontario mailing address.

BFHlogo-diggingdeeper-facebook-profileThank you to all of the conference attendees and sponsors who made Bring Food Home 2015 a big success, and to all of our amazing photographer volunteers that captured so many special moments from the conference. We can’t wait to share more moments caught on ‘film’ but enjoy this sneak peek for now! Stay tuned to for more updates and links to presentations.

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