Workshop: Pasture Potential: Marketing & Conservation Strategies

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Author: Nicole van Riel

Posted: November 12, 2015

Categories: Events / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members / The Meat Press

Join Farms at Work and the Couchiching Conservancy as we welcome a lineup of speakers who will share their experiences and success stories in this full-day workshop “Pasture Potential – Marketing & Conservation Strategies”.

When: Monday December 7, 2015 | 10 AM – 3 PM Pasture-Potential_workshop-poster-(web)
Where: Lindsay, ON (location TBA)
Cost: $20 (includes hot lunch)

Topics will Include:
· Improving pastures for livestock production & your wallet
· Conservation production systems for birds & beef
· Inspiring case studies of two successful beef marketing co-ops

Speakers will Include:
Laura Paine, a Wisconsin beef farmer and grazing specialist with over 20 years of experience. Over her career, she has worked for the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, the University of Wisconsin and as a Grazing Broker, bringing together non-farming landowners with livestock producers for pasture leasing partnerships. Laura will share a wealth of experience on maximizing pasture productivity for beef in a climate much like ours here in Ontario. She will also describe how she worked with beef farmers to create the successful Wisconsin Grass-Fed Beef Cooperative.

Ron Reid, Carden Program Coordinator, who will share Couchiching Conservancy’s innovative approach to managing 3,000 acres of grassland north of Lindsay on the Carden Plain. The Conservancy works with local farmers who summer graze cattle on this rare shallow-soiled alvar. Together they are improving and restoring pastures to increase productivity for beef production, while supporting grassland bird populations.

Bruce Enloe, the General Manager of the not-for-profit Two Rivers Food Hub in Smiths Falls. He will share the story of the successful Fitzroy Beef Co-op, a farmer-led co-op for 10 years. The Co-op has recently decided to transfer its operations to the new Food Hub, which will handle distribution and marketing.

Ticket prices include refreshments and a hot lunch. Pre-registration is required.

For more info, visit: or contact Farms at Work: | (705) 743-7671

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