Recipient of food project funding? Funder in food system work? This survey is for you!

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Author: Nicole van Riel

Posted: November 10, 2015

Categories: Food Access / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario / Research

Parents Say Yes! to Good Healthy Food workshop hosted by FoodShare Toronto.

Parents Say Yes! to Good Healthy Food workshop hosted by FoodShare Toronto

Sustain Ontario and FoodShare Toronto are working with Eco-Ethonomics Inc. consultants to assess the local food funding landscape in Ontario and identify promising practices in evaluation. We have created a survey designed to assess the food funding landscape in Ontario and provide a space to share helpful information on evaluation in food projects!

Click here to go to the survey.

We are looking for input from those engaged in food system work! To be eligible for the survey you must be an applicant or recipient of funding for food projects or a funder of food projects/ projects that touch on food.

The survey is part of a larger project that focuses on bringing the perspectives of grantees and funders together, identifying gaps, and opportunities for greater alignment between the two groups. You may also be contacted regarding other aspects of this project. Through this work a financial mobilization scan and a collective impact map will be produced.

Why should you complete this survey?
By completing the survey, you will also have a chance to win:

  1. 1 of 5 Feast of Local Flavours tickets on November 21st, 2015 in Sudbury, Ontario! The Feast of Local Flavours features 10 of Greater Sudbury Area’s most exciting chefs and producers dedicated to healthy, sustainable food and beverages. The event occurs at the end of the Bring Food Home conference; however, you need not attend the conference to attend the Feast of Local Flavours.
  2. 1 of 2 copies of The Dorito Effect (2015), the latest book from Bring Food Home keynote speaker Mark Schatzker.
  3. An annual membership with Sustain Ontario.

Results of your input will be used to create publicly available evaluation resources and tools that will enhance the food sector across Ontario. The shared evaluation tools and resources will be made publicly available through Sustain Ontario and FoodShare Toronto’s website.

Your input is very important to Ontario’s food sector! The survey will take approximately 25-30 minutes. Please complete the survey by clicking on this link:

*Note: Hereby two PDF documents linked to this post, a copy of the survey for funders and a copy for funding applicants/recipients. These have been included so that you can review the survey ahead of time, determine who is most suitable to answer the survey, and prepare your answers. These steps will help minimize survey response time.

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