Request for Proposals: Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance Food Charter

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Author: Lea Kliem

Posted: October 28, 2015

Categories: Food in the News / Food Strategies / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario / Opportunities / Volunteer. Job and Writing Opportunities

The Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance (HFFA) is looking for a consultant to help them further develop their Food Charter. Proposal submissions are accepted until October 30, 2015.

From The Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance

HFFA  is a collaborative initiative which oversees and supports activities to advance local food and farming in Dufferin County, the Town of Erin and the Town of Caledon.

Following their Headwaters Food Summit in April 2012, a coordinating committee called the HFFA HUB, was formed. The HUB is primarily responsible for monitoring and managing HFFA’s vision and strategy, communicating to both internal and external stakeholders, applying for and overseeing HFFA’s budget, and advancing supportive policy for the development of a local food system. Since the formation of the HUB, HFFA has conducted an in-depth policy scan (Growing the Food System Within the Headwaters Region) and planned several community events that have resulted in discussion and feedback about the needs in Headwaters to advance HFFA’s vision and goals.  The resulting reports from the scan and community events have identified several areas of action, both at the municipal, provincial and federal level. One of the actions identified at a local level was the development of a Food Charter.

The HUB has begun to move forward with the development of a local Food Charter and Strategy. To date, the HUB has met to identify 6 pillars of the Food Charter and strategy, which include: i) access and equity, ii) nutrition and health, iii) economic vitality, iv) environmental sustainability, v) agriculture, and vi) culture. The HUB has also brainstormed value statements within each pillar. The next step is to engage community partners and agencies that are invested in this work to: i) affirm the proposed value statements and add additional statements where appropriate, and ii) develop action steps within each pillar.

Scope of Consultant Work

The HUB will work with a consultant to plan, facilitate and summarize the partner/agency engagement sessions. As such, the consultant will be responsible for:

  • Working with members of the HUB to develop the structure, questions and template to guide the facilitated sessions.
  • Facilitate a maximum of 4 engagement sessions within the Headwaters region with community partners/agencies to inform the Food Charter and strategy.
  • Compile and analyze the data and information collected during the engagement sessions. Please note that members of the HUB will be completing additional facilitation sessions, which will not be the responsibility of the consultant to complete. However, the expectation of the consultant will be to summarize the findings from all of the engagement sessions (both consultant led and HUB led). This information will be provided back to the HUB in a final report that summarizes the findings in each pillar and provides overall themes.
  • Attend a HUB meeting to present the information back to the HUB members.

 IV) Proposal Guidelines

Selection Schedule & Timeline for Planning Process:

Submission due:  October 30, 2015, 4.30 pm

Interviews and Selection by:  November 20, 2015

Preliminary Meetings with HUB to develop sessions: late November 2015 – December 2016

Facilitation of Sessions: January – April 2016

Final Report due: May 31, 2016

Budget:  Competitively priced bids under $10,000 (plus HST) will be accepted


For more information view the Full Request for Proposals

Please direct any questions you may have to: The contract for this RFP is being hosted by Headwaters Communities in Action on behalf of HFFA.


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