Market Intervention: Edible Education & Farm to School at Evergreen Brickworks – Oct 17th

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Author: Nicole van Riel

Posted: October 15, 2015

Categories: Events / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario

FSC logo election Eat-Think-Vote-blueCelebrate Canada’s 2nd annual Farm to School Month! Sustain will be at Evergreen Brickworks’ Saturday morning farmers’ market for a Market Intervention discussion about National Farm to School Month. We’re excited to talk about the benefits of good food education in schools, and to encourage listeners to #EatThinkVote on October 19th with a national school food program in mind!

For the second year in a row, healthy school food advocates and educators will be sharing inspiration and celebrating the progress of school food programs that connect children and youth with healthy, fresh food. Two winners that caught our attention in the 2013 Ontario Farm to School (F2S) Challenge, will share their incredible educational programs. Two Ontario educators will present their inspiring food programs. Hear their success stories in their 20 minute presentations:

Sean Meikle tomato sauce canning at Western Tech, September 2015

Sean Meikle’s tomato sauce canning workshop at Western Tech, September 2015

Where: Evergreen Brickworks Farmers’ Market
When: Saturday October 17th

The market, located at 550 Bayview Avenue in Toronto, is open from 8a.m.-1p.m.

The talk will be held twice, first at 9:30a.m. and again at 11:30a.m. on the Mud Creek Terrace.
Sean Meikle
: 9:30-10am
Jennifer Payne: 11:30am-12:00pm

Come, listen, taste, and be inspired!

Evergreen’s weekly Market Interventions Talks explore the world of local, seasonal and sustainable food, through engaging talks with expert chefs, food growers, land lovers and eating activists. Learn more about upcoming talks. Evergreen is a Sustain Ontario member.


Ontario Edible Education Network_Logo for webStay tuned to our Edible Education blog for more new and resources for Farm to School Month, including a contest run by Farm to Cafeteria Canada with a $2000 school garden grant grand prize contributed by the Whole Kids Foundation!

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