Funding Opportunity: Nature’s Finest Fund for Ontario Producers

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Author: Lea Kliem

Posted: October 15, 2015

Categories: Food in the News / Funding Opportunities / GoodFoodBites / Opportunities

Credit: The Big Carrot

Credit: The Big Carrot

Apply now for a grant from The Big Carrot’s Nature’s Finest Fund!

From the Big Carrot:

For over thirty years The Big Carrot has been searching for Nature’s Finest to provide their shoppers with delicious, nourishing and sustainable food. In celebration of this commitment The Big Carrot created the Nature’s Finest Fund. This annual grant program expands the availability of locally produced food and supports and strengthens the working relationships between local family farms and The Big Carrot.

To date, nine grants have been awarded to local farms and businesses increasing the supply of local beans, pastured chicken, organic vegetables and greens. The grants lent support to some long-standing producers as well as new farmers.

This year The Big Carrot is committing $15,000 for new grants to eligible Ontario Producers.

Criteria for Eligibility

      • Meet The Big Carrot’s Quality Standards
      • Products marketed as Organic must have a current Organic Certificate
      • Be a registered farm business
      • Funds are to be used for capital expansion (i.e. investments in new equipment, greenhouse extension, perennial crops, breeding stock, etc), not for operating expenses.
      • Interest in becoming a Big Carrot supplier.

The deadline for applications is December 7, 2015

All the information, including last year’s recipients, applications and FAQs is available on The Big Carrot’s Website.


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