Royal Winter Fair: High School Chef Competition

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Author: Nicole van Riel

Posted: October 7, 2015

Categories: Edible Education Network / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members / News from Sustain Ontario

ontario agriculture weekEvery year the week leading up to Thanksgiving Day is proclaimed as Ontario Agriculture Week. This 2015 celebration of local food and farmers kicked off on Monday (October 5th) and runs through the week with events across the province. This is also a great opportunity to double up and celebrate Canada’s 2nd annual Farm to School Month (check out our earlier blogpost) by planning your recipes for the Royal Winter Fair High School Chef Competition!

foodshare royal winter fair high school chef 2015The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, in partnership with FoodShare Toronto, are inviting teams of 2-3 students from high schools across Ontario to enter their best recipes into the first annual Royal Winter Fair High School Chef Competition (learn more here). Schools are invited to submit recipes that meet the following criteria:

  •  feature local, in season Ontario produce
  •  work as an easy, fast food option for high school cafeterias
  •  meet the Province of Ontario’s School Nutrition Standards
  •  demonstrate creativity and culinary prowess
  •  reflect Ontario’s culinary diversity
  •  look, taste and smell delicious

Recipes must be submitted by 5 pm on Friday October 23, 2015 to:  Applicants are encouraged to submit a photo of their creations alongside the recipe submission. Happy cooking!

BFHlogo-diggingdeeper-facebook-profileICYMI: Bring Food Home earlybird registration prices have been extended to World Food Day, October 16th! Register today to attend the conference, including a whole stream dedicated to Edible Education, connecting children and youth with healthy food. Check it out by exploring the Program page using the stream/track filter.

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