Toronto Book Launch: Good and Cheap | Community Food Centres Canada

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Author: Nicole van Riel

Posted: September 16, 2015

Categories: Events / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members

Food insecuritygood-and-cheap and inequitable access to fresh food are increasingly prevalent problems in Canada, four million people experience some level of food insecurity. Author Leanne Brown realized that while there is no single solution for these problems, she tried to create one useful tool. A tool – a cookbook – that raises consciousness about the problem as well as provide advice for those in need. She wrote this cookbook, “Good and Cheap: Eat Well on $4/Day” to show that it is possible to eat on the extreme budget of $29 dollars a week, about $4.14 a day, sometimes referred to as ‘the welfare diet’. The book is not only useful for people with restricted incomes, but it also provides general lessons on how to cook with staple ingredients, understanding what is available in the supermarket in each season, and offers a way to feed oneself affordably. By sharing these recipes and ideas, the cookbook is part of an initiative that helps to build up a baseline of food skills in the community. Listen to Leanne talking about her cookbook in this CBC radio episode.

There is a free PDF download available for everybody who is interested. Also, Monday September 21 at 7pm, Leanne will launch her hardcopy book at Another Story Bookshop in Toronto. Christina Palassio from Community Food Centres Canada will also be there to do an interview.

Good and Cheap Toronto Book Launch
Date: September 21, 7pm
Location: Another Story Bookshop, 315 Roncesvalles Avenue
No entrance fee, everybody is welcome

For every copy sold at the event, one copy of the cookbook will be donated to The Stop Community Food Centre and the Regent Park Community Food Centre!




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