Four Farms, One Road, One Day!

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Author: Lea Kliem

Posted: September 14, 2015

Categories: Events / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members

Credit: Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario

Credit: Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario

Visit four farms with the Ecological Farms Association of Ontario on Sunday September 27th, from 9.30 – 4.30 pm. 

Starting location: 222145 Conession 14 RR#1, Neustadt

Tickets: $50 / person (children free with paying adult)




From the Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario:

Come out and tour four unique ecological farming operations in southern Grey County: Green Being Farm, Cedar Down Farm, Blackshire Gardens and Crickhollow Farm. All of these organic operations are direct to eater operations.  Among these 4 farms there is a lot going on: sizable market gardening, forest mushrooms, diversified animal grazing systems, greenhouse operations, lots of marketing experience, intern/labour strategies, biodynamic farming and community building.  A rich day of learning, connecting and discovery awaits!

Bring a dish to share, blanket and/or chairs to picnic!

All proceeds from the day go towards supporting EFAO programs and services.

To get your ticket visit:


9:15 – 10:30am: Meet and Tour Cedar Down Farm

11 – noon: Tour Blackshire Gardens

12:30 – 2:30pm: Potluck lunch and Tour at Crickhollow Farm

2:30 – 3:45pm: Tour of Green Being Farm

Featured image credit: Crickhollow Farm

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