NRC Obesity Prevention eBook and 2016 Forum Ideas
Posted: August 13, 2015
Categories: Events / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members
The Nutrition Resource Center (NRC) is beginning to plan their 2016 Forum, to be focused on healthy food environment, and they are inviting the community to submit ideas for speakers and sessions.
In 2015, the one-day Forum was based on the ways to rethink conventional approaches to healthy eating and obesity messaging after observing that the media, the industry, the government, and even some health professionals tend to say that reducing obesity is as simple as eating less, eating better and moving more. The NRC’s 2015 Forum aimed to reframe the issue and ask the right questions (such as: is obesity prevention that simple? Are current messages about obesity actually effective? etc.), to generate reflection on the subject and bring answers through thought-provoking presentations and discussions with leading experts. Find the summaries of the program, recordings, and more information about the 2015 Forum in the newly released Conference eBook.
This year, NRC wants to promote this alternative discussion through inspiring presentations by professionals and experts during the 2016 Forum. The Forum provides an opportunity to share concepts and ideas to create together a healthy food environment. Find more information about the NFC Forum.