Provincial Survey: Developing A Culture of Evaluation

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Author: Jenn Kucharczyk

Posted: August 5, 2015

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario / Research

Developing a Culture of Evaluation logoCommunity Literacy of Ontario (CLO) and Literacy Link South Central (LLSC) are conducting an online survey in conjunction with the Developing A Culture of Evaluation project. This two-year project, funded by the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade, will help non-profit organizations in Ontario to learn about the value of creating a culture of evaluation and how to foster this in their own organizations. Sustain Ontario and FoodShare Toronto are also partners in this evaluation project, as announced in our spring newsletter.

The survey will gather important data to inform the development of an online discussion board, 10 online community of practice clinics, 8 online training modules and 6 topical webinars.

All responses to this survey will be kept anonymous and participating organizations will not be identified. Only aggregate data will be shared.

To thank those programs that take the time to complete the survey, completed surveys will be entered into a draw on August 21, 2015 for a $50 Chapters gift card.

To participate please go to this Survey Monkey link: The survey closes on August 21st so make sure you submit your survey soon!

Please don’t hesitate to forward questions and comments to:
Anne Marie Curtin
Community Coordinator
Developing a Culture of Evaluation Project

(519) 681-7307

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