Market Intervention Talk on Ontario’s Flocking Options for Chicken Farmers

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Author: Jenn Kucharczyk

Posted: July 23, 2015

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members / News from Sustain Ontario

Saturday Farmers’ Market

Credit: Evergreen.

This Saturday (July 25th), Sustain Ontario will be at the Evergreen Brick Works Farmers’ Market in Toronto to talk to market-goers about the Flocking Options campaign, which calls for more options for farmers within Ontario’s supply managed poultry sector. The demand for organic chickens and free-range or pastured chickens raised without the use of antibiotics is increasing. Yet farmers can’t raise chickens in this way if they have tens of thousands of chickens in order to meet demand.

Henry Bakker of Field Sparrow Farms will join us to speak about his experience working with the supply management system. Their farm currently sources their free-range pasture-raised chicken from an Amish farmer in their community who has small flock chicken quota.

What are our Flocking Options?Join us for this talk and visit the Flocking Options website to learn how smaller and diversified farms would benefit from more options within the supply managed system.

The market, located at 550 Bayview Avenue in Toronto, is open from 8a.m.-1p.m.

The talk will be held twice, first at 9:30a.m. and again at 11:30a.m. on the Mud Creek Terrace.

Evergreen’s weekly Market Interventions Talks explore the world of local, seasonal and sustainable food, through engaging talks with expert chefs, food growers, land lovers and eating activists. Learn more about upcoming talks. Evergreen is a Sustain Ontario member.

One response to “Market Intervention Talk on Ontario’s Flocking Options for Chicken Farmers”

  1. […] Farmers of Ontario have announced a new Artisanal Chicken program.  On the heels of our recent Market Interventions talk at the Evergreen Brickworks and leading up to this year’s Bring Food Home conference, the […]

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