Working Group Established to Explore Sustainable Future for Kemptville Campus

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Author: Jenn Kucharczyk

Posted: July 22, 2015

Categories: Food in the News / GoodFoodBites

Leeds Grenville Guelph University KemptvilleThe Ontario government has established a working group to explore the feasibility of new models for delivering learning, training and instruction at the Kemptville agricultural college campus in eastern Ontario. This new working group will continue the work of the Honourable Lyle Vanclief, Canada’s Minister of Agriculture from 1997-2003, who was appointed in July 2014 to work with local communities to explore options for the sustainable future of the campus. These conversations were prompted by the University of Guelph announcement in early 2014 that it was ending its educational and research activities at the Kemptville and nearby Alfred agricultural colleges due to declining enrolment at the satellite campuses. The University of Guelph’s management agreement expires in 2018.

The future of the Kemptville programs is still to be determined, though the group will be discussing opportunities for continued focus on agricultural and food education as well as expanding courses on health and wellness, business, and trades training. Findings will be submitted in late fall 2015.

Academic programs at Alfred College are already in place this fall with La Cité Collègiale. The Alfred campus is a Francophone campus that hosts the only certified organic dairy research and teaching farm in North America. In March 2014, we shared the Organic Council of Ontario’s  call for the continued operation of Alfred College, referencing the campuses’ unique programs and research facilities. Learn more about Sustain Ontario member Conseil Communautaire du Collège d’Alfred.

From the Ontario Newsroom release:

“The working group will include representatives from:

  • University of Guelph
  • Municipality of North Grenville
  • United Counties of Leeds and Grenville
  • Ontario’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
  • Ontario’s Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities


Quick Facts

  • The Kemptville College was established by the Ontario government as an agricultural college in 1917. In 1997, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food transferred the operation of the campus and delivery of academic and skills training programs to the University of Guelph.
  • The Kemptville campus land base and facilities are owned by Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario, and operated and maintained by the University of Guelph. The current management agreement with the University of Guelph terminates in 2018.
  • The Honourable Lyle Vanclief, a former federal Minister of Agriculture, was appointed in July 2014 to work with local communities to explore options for the Kemptville campus. The government announced their intention to move forward with his recommendations in early 2015.”

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