Eat Think Vote: Add Your Voice to the Campaign for a National Food Policy

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Author: Jenn Kucharczyk

Posted: June 29, 2015

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario / Policy News


Eat Think Vote is a national campaign to bring voices for change about the food system together.

Food Secure Canada (FSC) launched its campaign for a national food policy today alongside supporting partners including Sustain Ontario and a number of its alliance members. Food Secure Canada is spearheading the national coalition in an innovative campaign called Eat Think Vote that will see Canadians in over 100 federal ridings sitting down with their candidates to discuss Canada’s most urgent food-related issues while enjoying a meal together. Check the calendar and the interactive map to spot some events organized near you!

Candidates to federal elections can also express their support for the Eat Think Vote campaign by signing a pledge to work for the development and implementation of a national food policy that will lead to a more just, healthy and sustainable food system.

The campaign focuses on 4 main asks that will all be openly discussed at Eat Think Vote community meals:FSC logo election Eat-Think-Vote-blue

Food Secure Canada and its partners argue all four of these issues would be best addressed by implementing a national food policy that removes the financial obstacles to producing and obtaining healthy and sustainable food in Canada.

“A national food policy for Canada is common sense. One in eight jobs in Canada are connected to food, and diet-related diseases have overwhelmed our healthcare system costing taxpayers billions of dollars. We need a more coordinated approach in dealing with this vital issue impacting Canadians on so many levels,” says Diana Bronson, Executive Director of FSC.

Eat Think Vote is a non-partisan campaign designed to engage federal candidates and Canadians on the far reaching benefits of Canada finally adopting a national food policy. Add your voice to the campaign by sharing the #EatThinkVote message on social media!

FSC logo election Je-mange-donc-je-vote-blueVous pouvez devenir un acteur du changement en partageant vos idées sur les médias sociaux : montrez à votre entourage que l’alimentation saine et durable est une cause qui compte à vos yeux! Rejoignez le mouvement #‎JeMangeDoncJeVote‬ pour construire ensemble un système alimentaire sain, juste et durable au Canada. Passez à l’action et partagez avec vos amis:

About Food Secure Canada

FSC logoFood Secure Canada is a pan-Canadian alliance of organizations and individuals working together to advance food security and food sovereignty through three inter-locking goals: zero hunger, healthy and safe food, and sustainable food systems.

For more information about the campaign:
Francois Zeller: 514 271 7352; cell: 438-401-1733; Contact by message here
Diana Bronson: 514 271-7352; cell: 514 629 9236

2 responses to “Eat Think Vote: Add Your Voice to the Campaign for a National Food Policy”

  1. Chris S. says:

    RE: Food (in general)
    “Sustainable food systems” by themselves could be downsized to community gardens, and this may not be enough.
    If both “regular” and organic foods were cheaper prices, many poor would not tend to “barely scrape by” each month.
    Also many whom would prefer the healthier chose of organic food, can not buy it because the prices are higher than “regular” food. Why does choosing to eat healthier have to cost more?
    Life is hard enough without such worries. (*~*)

  2. […] to Food Secure Canada, who led a national coalition in the Eat Think Vote Campaign on the need for such policy: “The mandate letters make Ministers accountable for a […]

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