Workshop: Growing Food Justice by Uprooting Racism

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Author: Allie Lockhart

Posted: April 24, 2015

Categories: Events / News from Sustain Members

Screen Shot 2015-04-23 at 1.04.32 PMFoodShare Toronto and its partners have invited the trainers of the Growing Food and Justice for All Initiative (GFJI) to host an Intensive Leadership and Facilitator Training (ILFT) workshop: Growing Food Justice by Uprooting Racism.

The purpose of the workshop is to push forward the integration of racial justice principles into the food justice movement by providing hands on tools, creating opportunities for dialogue, and enabling exchange among activists in this field. The workshop is a continuation from a previous Toronto training session. However, new participants that are actively involved in working to remove barriers to food access with local communities are encouraged to attend.

Space is limited for this invitation-only event, so register soon! If you haven’t received an email invitation to this training and would like to attend, please fill out this form.

Workshop Fee: $200 (reduced fee of $125 for students or organizations with budgets of $100K or less; full scholarship is available for community members faced with food injustice)

Date and Time: Friday, May 22 to Sunday, May 24, 2015 from 9:30am3:30pm

The training will explore:

  • examples of institutional and structural racism and how it operates;
  • practical applications of facilitating change and becoming a change agent, including some personal identification to understand the kind of facilitator you are
  • exchange and discussion of practical experiences with these applications by past participants
  • opportunities to explore the individual role in the anti-racism process of your work with the opportunity to strategize with others to develop an action plan for next steps for implementation, and implementation done so far where applicable.
  • racial identity caucusing (People of Colour and White) as a tool to address and dismantle racism in the food system.


If you would like to take part in this workshop, but have not received an email invitation, fill out this form. The training will be taking place May 22-24, 2015 in Toronto.

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