Webinar Series: Healthy Food For All

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Author: Jenn Kucharczyk

Posted: March 25, 2015

Categories: Events / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members / News from Sustain Ontario / Webinars / Working Group News

OHCC Healthy Communities Coalition

Join the Ontario Healthy Communities Coalition for two webinars on Thursday March 26 and Monday March 30 to learn more about the collaborative Healthy Food For All project! As partners on the project, Sustain Ontario will be presenting a summary of 4 Peer Learning Circles’ activities which we have hosted over the past year.

Webinar 1: Healthy Food for All – Resources for a Sustainable Local Food System
Thursday, March 26th, 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. EST
Registration: https://healthy-food-for-all-part-1.eventbrite.ca


  • Joan Brady, Ontario Healthy Communities Coalition Project Manager
  • Carolyn Young, Executive Director of Sustain Ontario

This is the first webinar of the Sustainable Food Systems for Ontario project series. Part 1 webinar will give a brief overview of the Healthy Food for All, Sustainable Food Systems for Ontario project and will highlight some of the resources that have been produced as a result of the project. First, an online toolkit featuring an extensive list of resources in both the English and French languages will be highlighted and participants will be given a guided tour of the newly developed resource. Information will include an introduction to the toolkit search menu and orientation on how to update and add resources. Then, the project partner, Sustain Ontario, will introduce their Peer Learning Circle (PLC) process. As part of the Healthy Food for All project, Sustain Ontario facilitated four PLCs on a variety of relevant topics. Each circle determined their learning priorities, shared resources and invited speakers to supplement their learning; meeting a minimum of six times over the course of a year. Discover some of the highlights of that shared learning, the response of various PLC participants and plans to continue the networking beyond the current project.
Webinar 2: Healthy Food for All – Community Collaboration to Impact Sustainable Local Food Systems
Monday, March 30th, 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. EST
Registration: https://healthy-food-for-all-part-2.eventbrite.ca


  • Joan Brady, Ontario Healthy Communities Coalition Project Manager
  • Wendy Trylinski, Director of Public Health Education, Nishnawbe Aski Nation
  • David Thompson, Project Coordinator, Rural Agri-Innovation Network
  • Rosie Kaldwell, Public Health Dietitian Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health, Chair of Harvest Haliburton

The second webinar of the Sustainable Food Systems for Ontario project series will give a brief overview of the Healthy Food for All, Sustainable Food Systems for Ontario project and will highlight the four community planning processes that were undertaken. Webinar presenters represent the four community organizations which partnered in the project. They will share their projects that include the design of a community food assessment, development of a community food charter, dissemination of a community food strategy and the mapping and expansion of marketing venues for local food. Each project partner engaged and included community stakeholders in the planning and implementation of their projects and each leveraged a specific point in their local sustainable food system. A case study highlighting these elements of the project will also be shared.

One response to “Webinar Series: Healthy Food For All”

  1. […] a Healthy Food for All project partner, Sustain Ontario hosted four Peer Learning Circles (PLC) on four topics relating to healthy and sustainable food systems and planning processes. The […]

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