Funding Opportunity: Award for Outstanding Youth Programs

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Author: Emily Mann

Posted: March 17, 2015

Categories: Edible Education Network / Food in the News / Funding Opportunities / GoodFoodBites / Webinars

Annual award of $50,000 for youth organizations that promote healthy, fair and inclusive communities


Taken from the Atkinson Foundation’s website:

Ruth Atkinson Hindmarsh was a life-long advocate for children and youth who are growing up in difficult circumstances.  She believed in the power of individuals coming together – as organizations and communities – to nurture resilience in children, reduce vulnerabilities within families, and affect lasting change in society.

In Ruth’s memory, the Hindmarsh Family and the Atkinson Charitable Foundation make an annual award of $50,000 to one of Ontario’s leading child and youth organizations to celebrate and support their efforts. We want to recognize promising ideas, approaches and results as well as the compassion, ingenuity and courage of the people behind them.


You’re invited to nominate an organization that is making Ontario healthier, fairer and more inclusive for children and youth to grow up.  In a letter no longer than four pages, tell us:

  1. The full name of the organization (self-nominations are accepted).
  2. The charitable registration number of the organization.
  3. A brief description of the organization (e.g. mission, goals, objectives, programs).
  4. Concrete examples of how the organization is making a difference in the the lives of children and youth growing up in difficult in circumstances.
  5. A brief description of how the organization’s work is innovative, unique and exemplary.
  6. A statement of how the award would be used.

Address your letter to:

The Ruth Atkinson Hindmarsh Award Selection Committee
c/o Atkinson Foundation

Nominations for the 2015 Ruth Atkinson Hindmarsh Award are received up until Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at 5:00 p.m.

We’re hosting a webinar on Monday, March 30, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. to answer any questions about the nomination process. You can register by sending an email to Atkinson’s Executive Assistant Phillip Roh at

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