Learn about High Bio-nutrient Crop Production with Dan Kittredge

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Author: Emily Mann

Posted: February 19, 2015

Categories: Events / Food in the News / News from Sustain Members

BFA_logoOn February 23rd and 24th, 2015, Dan Kittredge will be in Guelph, ON, to discuss bio-nutrient crop production. Dan Kittredge is Executive Director of the Bionutrient Food Association and Real Food Campaign.

The workshop will be presented by the Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario, the Local Organic Food Co-ops Network, both Sustain Ontario members, and the Greenbelt Farmers Market Network.

Topics will include:

– soil biology, mineralogy and energy dynamics

– principles and practices for producing more nutritious food crops

– analysis of participants’ soil tests

– cover crops and soil amendments

The cost is $150/person or $240/pair and includes lunch for both days.

For more information and to register visit efao.ca/upcoming-events or refer to the event poster.


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