Government Invests in Great Lakes Agricultural Stewardship Initiative

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Author: Emily Mann

Posted: February 10, 2015

Categories: Food in the News / GoodFoodBites

Sustain Ontario member ALUS is a leader in ecological stewardship on farmland. Photo credit:

Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS), a Sustain Ontario Member, is a leader in establishing ecological stewardship practices on farmland. Photo credit:

From a Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs news release:

“The governments of Canada and Ontario are investing $4 million annually over the next four years to help farmers improve soil health and promote environmental stewardship.

The Great Lakes Agricultural Stewardship Initiative, targeted to the Lake Erie basin and the southeast shores of Lake Huron, will provide cost-share funding to:

  • Identify ways producers can improve soil health, reduce run-off, and improve pollinator habitat
  • Modify equipment to address risks related to manure application and pollinator health
  • Adopt best management practices, including soil erosion control structures, cover crops, residue management, buffer and shelter strips

The program will also support demonstration farms and technical training for service providers, and education including local workshops.

The Great Lakes Agricultural Stewardship Initiative is part of Growing Forward 2 (GF2), a comprehensive federal-provincial-territorial framework aimed at encouraging innovation, competitiveness and market development in Canada’s agri-food and agri-products sector.”

One response to “Government Invests in Great Lakes Agricultural Stewardship Initiative”

  1. Hunter Dickson says:

    Great to hear. We did the Growing Forward workshop 2 years ago and now would like to learn more about GF3

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