Webinar: Local Food Procurement in the Broader Public Sector
Posted: February 3, 2015
Categories: GoodFoodBites / Local Procurement / Municipal Regional Food Policy Network / News from Sustain Ontario / Webinars
This webinar is the sixth in a series of conversations hosted by Sustain Ontario relating to municipal level food policy in Ontario. Find more about our Municipal Regional Food Policy Working Group online or by contacting Kat Rendek, municipalpolicy@sustainontario.ca.
Join us Wednesday, February 25th from 10:00am – 12:00pm for a public webinar, as we highlight opportunities for Local Food Procurement in the Ontario Broader Public Sector. Go directly to the registration page.
Local food procurement generally refers to purchasing initiatives, tools, or policy that function to increase the amount of local food purchased by any number of public institutions. Each year, millions of public dollars are spent on food for municipally funded and organized facilities including public cafeterias, childcare centres, convention centres, and long term care facilities. By looking for ways to redirect some of this money back into local food economies, there is a huge potential to build a more vibrant local food system.
We know that local food procurement is a very complicated and multifaceted topic, and by no means do we intend to cover everything in one webinar. Instead, we have decided to address three themes that continue to come up from across our network, namely:
- The process of food purchasing for the public sector,
- Establishing local food purchasing policy, and
- Managing international trade regulations and existing purchasing policies.
We hope that by addressing these issues, we might encourage municipal leaders across the province to ask the right questions, think outside of the box, and develop more meaningful local procurement plans for the future.
Dan Munshaw, Manager of Supply Management for the City of Thunder Bay
Hayley Lapalme, Program Designer and Facilitator for My Sustainable Canada
Wendy Smith, Contract Specialist for MEALsource
Sandra Hamilton, Social Innovation Consultant Project Lead, North Island College, Institutional Local Food Initiative
Brendan Wylie-Toal, Greenbelt Fund BPS Grant Program Specialist
Discussion Facilitator
Janice Janiec, Project Manager Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance and lead consultant on Sustain Ontario’s Broader Public Sector Local Procurement Project
Members and Supporters: Free!
Non-Members: $10.00* (online payments only)
Go to the webinar registration page.
Are you a Member or Supporter? Once you log in, you’ll be able to select the free registration option. Log in with your Membee access email address.
While we welcome participants from across the province to attend, space is limited and we will give priority to Sustain Ontario members and supporters. Sustain Membership and Supporter fees help make working group webinars possible. Become a Sustain Ontario Member or Supporter.
*We’re committed to making our events as accessible as possible. We will consider waiving registration on a case by case basis and pending space limitations. Please contact municipalpolicy@
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[…] Kitchen, at Hart House (U of T) February 25 : 5 Buck Lunch, at Hart House (U of T) February 25 : Webinar : Local Food procurement in the Broader Public Sector, with Sustain […]