Congratulations to Local Food Fund Recipients

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Author: Jenn Kucharczyk

Posted: December 15, 2014

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members


Last week, thirty-one projects from communities across Ontario received over $3 million from the Ontario government’s Local Food Fund to help make their local food projects a reality.  Projects addressed a variety of needs, such as research, marketing and promotion, distribution and expanded production capacity to enter new markets.

We would like to congratulate four Sustain Ontario members that received funding in the latest round of announcements.

A Belgian blue cow. Credit: Eastern Ontario Agri-Food Network.

A Belgian blue cow. Credit: Eastern Ontario Agri-Food Network.

Congratulations to these Sustain Ontario members, and other successful recipients!

Please note that the final intake for the Local Food Fund closes on January 16, 2015.  Local Food Fund applications and guidelines are available on OMAFRA’s website.

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