News from the Greenbelt

Things looking a bit different?
Nope, you're not on the wrong site – we're updating our look and content! Keep your eyes peeled for more changes!

Author: Emily Mann

Posted: November 4, 2014

Categories: Food in the News / GoodFoodBites

greenbelt-fund-logoFrom September 13th to October 16th the Toronto Star released a six-part series on various issues related to the Greenbelt. The Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation worked with the Toronto Star and journalist John Barber to bring these issues to the public’s eye. CEO of the Foundation, Burkhard Mausberg states, “Published weekly in the Saturday paper, Barber’s articles touched on everything from the Greenbelt’s agricultural sector, to the state of its urban river valleys, to its ecological, political, and economic future.”

The Saturday, September 20th issue focused on food and agriculture and explored the importance of the Greenbelt in serving as southern Ontario’s farmland. In fact, as stated in the article, farming in the Greenbelt and Golden Horseshoe generates $2.65 billion in GDP and there are over 100 farmers’ markets offering goods grown in the Greenbelt.

The other five issues can be found on the Foundation’s website in the Toronto Star Series section.

ontariofreshThe Greenbelt Fund is also increasing its communications and outreach by means of an updated website. Program Coordinator Chloe Brown says:

“Things are growing at! With a fresh look and enhanced search, is making it easier than ever to access a network of local food connections, Ontario-wide. The improved site has a modern and mobile-responsive design, allowing you to connect with new businesses on any device. They’ve also developed a quick and easy keyword search: just type in any local product you want to source or sell, and browse thousands of profiles right away. Go explore now!”

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