New book reviews from Canadian Food Studies

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Author: Anelyse Weiler

Posted: October 29, 2014

Categories: Food in the News

Politics of the PantryIf you are on the lookout for good books to read on food and agriculture, the Canadian Food Studies journal recently published several reviews of exciting new publications. You can view all of the reviews here.

In particular, you might be interested to check out Jennifer Braun’s review of The Politics of Pantry: Stories, Food and Social Change. This 2013 publication by Michael Mikulak  explores “the sustainable food movement and its relationship to capitalism, value, and pleasure.” The book is available for purchase from the publisher here.

Rita Hansen Sterne from the University of Guelph also provides an insightful review of Philip Lymbery and Isabel Oakeshott’s Farmageddon: The True Cost of Cheap Meat. Their 2014 book explores the dynamics of animal welfare, public health and ecological considerations in relation to contemporary meat production in the United States and Europe, and it is intended for general audiences. The authors have made the first chapter available for free online, and Lymbery put together the following short teaser film in association with the book to outline what he calls “the global scale of our broken food system” (please note: film clip contains flashing images):


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