Featured Favourite Edible Resources: Shelburne Farms

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: October 22, 2014

Categories: Edible Education Network

Cultivating Joy & WonderEverdale has shared one of their favourite resources with us to spread across the Network!

Shelburne Farms, in Shelburne, VT www.shelburnefarms.org.

Cultivating change for a sustainable future, Shelburne Farms is a nonprofit education centre for sustainability, 1,400-acre working farm, and National Historic Landmark on the shores of Lake Champlain in Shelburne, Vermont.

Karen Campbell from Everdale tells us, “Not only do they offer wonderfully inspiring workshops for farm educators (and others), but they also have a vast array of other resources available, including their own activity-focused publications, Simply in Season and Cultivating Joy and Wonder.”

Cultivating Joy and Wonder is the culmination of Shelburne Farms’ experiences in early childhood learning on the Farm and in their community, developed to document and share the pedagogy, practices, and activities of Shelburne Farm’s early childhood programs.
Among a plethora of good food and environmental education, there are a number of engaging lessons and activities provided for teachers to bring into their classrooms, such as “Plant Parts We Eat”, which has children cultivate and grow some of their own food, with lesson directions and discussion questions included. Browse through this spectacular 200+ page resource.

Among their many lesson plans and activities, Shelburne Farms also has notable Dairy Songs.

A Network Favourite:
Shelburne Farms Buttermaking Song
(Sung to the tune of “I Have Something in My Pocket” or “The Brownie Smile Song”)

From Project Seasons
We’re going to make some butter,
Rich and creamy too,
With milk from a cow’s udder
Before you can say moo.
Oh, shake it, shake it, shake it,
Shake it if you can
Shake it like a milkshake
And pass it to a friend.
Put some cream into a jar,
You can add a marble or two,
Make sure the lid’s on tightly,
That’s all you have to do.
We’re learning while we’re churning,
Hey, this is lots of fun!
It’s easy to make butter,
Let’s eat it when we’re done.
Oh listen very carefully,
It’s sounding different now,
Hooray it’s finally butter!
Be sure to thank the cow.

Be sure to check out Shelburne Farms for many, many more of their educational resources.

Other noted inspirations from Karen include: David Sobel’s place-based education model, Boston Food Project, Green Teacher, Credit Valley Conservation, and the Edible Schoolyard Project.”


Have a favourite resource you’d like to share with us to highlight on our blog?
Get in touch with kids@sustainontario.ca!

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