1st Annual EFAO Conference (Dec 4-6) – Registration Now Open!

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Author: Ashley Quan

Posted: October 9, 2014

Categories: Events / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members


In celebration of the 35th Anniversary of the Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario, a Sustain Ontario member, EFAO is launching their first annual conference this December. The conference is presented in partnership  with FarmStart along with supporting partners Farms at Work, Everdale and The Bauta Family Initiative on Canadian Seed Security.

From Ecological Farmers of Ontario:

abes-cows-300x225The vision for this conference aligns with EFAO’s core mandate “to support and promote a vibrant community of ecological farmers through education, training and knowledge sharing.” We expect over 250 ecological growers from across the province and are offering over 30 intermediate and advanced level workshops. Join us for what promises to be the ecological farming event of the year!

Keynote Speaker: 

abeAbe Collins is a Vermont-based grazier, educator and consultant with a passion for topsoil formation and farmer leadership in achieving grassland productivity and environmental security. He has milked cows, herded sheep, and finished beef cattle. Abe’s company Collins Grazing focuses on new topsoil outcomes for producers and communities. This is accomplished via farm design and construction, accelerated gains in soil, and grass, livestock, farm, and watershed environmental monitoring. Abe is the co-founder and a board member of the Soil Carbon Coalition, a board member of the Grassfed Exchange, and the Chair of the Soil and Water Task Force of the Vermont Farm to Plate Initiative. He has helped clients on ranches and farms in the US, Canada, Mexico and Australia to grow more and better grasslands, improve topsoil health, design scientific research initiatives, design and build farm infrastructure and deploy advanced soil and environmental monitoring technologies. In his presentations, Abe offers clear windows into grazing management, topsoil creation, environmental monitoring and modelling technologies and the environmental security benefits of management for topsoil formation.

Visit the EFAO’s Conference site (conference.efao.ca) for more information on registration, the conference program, bursaries, sponsorship, and more.

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