Beyond Nutrition and Health – Measuring the Impact of “Feeding our Future” Student Nutrition Program

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: September 2, 2014

Categories: Edible Education Network / GoodFoodBites

OPHA/NRC WebinarAs part of their “Grand Round Webinars” series, The Nutrition Resource Centre in collaboration with the Ontario Public Health Association (OPHA) has shared a webinar, Beyond Nutrition and Health – Measuring the Impact of “Feeding our Future” Student Nutrition Program, from March 2014.

Presenters looked at:

– The 2-year evaluation of Toronto District School Board’s ‘Feeding Our Future’ middle and high school student nutrition program.
– The relationship between healthy breakfast and academic achievement.
– ‘Nourishing Young Minds’, an international review of School Nutrition Programs which makes a strong case for investment in our children’s futures.

Presenters also explored the role that public health, community health and other partners can play in ensuring that all students across the province have access to a sustainable food program.

Visit the OPHA website for a recording of the webinar.

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