Sustain Ontario and Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs Learning Exchange

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Author: Ravenna

Posted: August 7, 2014

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario

Marc LaBerge
Similar to the Sponsored Employee program of the United Way, OMAFRA and Sustain Ontario have partnered this year to offer a six-month learning and knowledge exchange opportunity for an OMAFRA employee to be seconded to work within Sustain Ontario.

We are happy to announce that based on a recent Expression of Interest, the successful candidate for this opportunity is Marc LaBerge from Policy Division.
 Marc will work with Sustain Ontario staff and leaders providing program and policy analysis support beginning in September 2014.  This opportunity has designed to provide an opportunity for OMAFRA to better understand the interest in sustainable food systems, and for Sustain Ontario to better understand how to build collaborative partnerships with government and traditional stakeholders.


Marc is an experienced policy professional and team leader with an in-depth knowledge of policy development and government decision-making, and experience leading high-profile corporate initiatives. Currently a Senior Policy Advisor with the Economic Development Policy Branch, Marc has previously been an acting manager in this branch, acting EA for Policy Division, and prior to that worked in Cabinet Office and the Ministry of Transportation.


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