Announcing Sustain Ontario’s New Steering Committee, Chair and Vice-Chair

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Author: Ravenna

Posted: August 7, 2014

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario

Sustain Ontario membership badge 1We are pleased to announce the results of Sustain Ontario’s recent Steering Committee Election.

Bryan Gilvesy of the YU Ranch and Karen Hutchinson of the Caledon Countryside Alliance will be returning as Chair and Vice-Chair.

They will serve alongside the new Sustain Ontario Steering Committee made up of:


Christie Young of FarmStart

Devorah Belinsky of the Ottawa Valley Food Co-operative

Janet Horner of the Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance

Meredith Hayes of FoodShare and

Wayne Roberts of Wayne Roberts Consulting


These seven are tasked with planning for and ensuring the financial and legal well-being and accountability of Sustain Ontario. Join us in congratulating them on their new posts!


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