What Makes A Good Funding Application? A Special Webinar for Members

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Author: Jenn Kucharczyk

Posted: July 30, 2014

Categories: Funding Opportunities / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario / Opportunities / Webinars


Members of Sustain Ontario and the Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance are invited to attend a special webinar on what makes a good funding application.

Is your organization thinking of applying for funding for a project? What makes a good funding application? Attend this online info session on August 6th from 12pm-1:15pm and learn from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), the Agricultural Adaptation Council (AAC), and Greenbelt Fund about what a reviewer looks for in an application, how to know if a project is a good fit and what helps strengthen an application.

Register online via Webex. Not a member yet? Sign up online today!


Carolyn Puterbough – Economic Development Advisory, OMAFRA

Carolyn has worked with OMAFRA since 2009. As an Economic Development Advisor she works with the Agriculture and Rural communities to deliver the Ministry’s programs and services. Carolyn has a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture degree from the University of Guelph, Economic Development training at the University of Waterloo and is a trained facilitator. Previously Carolyn worked as an Economic Development Officer specializing in Agriculture Development in the City of Kawartha Lakes for five years and as a Program Coordinator for the Ontario Farm Animal Council. In her personal life, Carolyn is married and has two children, volunteers as a 4-H leader and with several farming and food awareness initiatives and is co-owner of a family farming operation along with her husband and family.

Brendan Wylie-Toal – Grant Program Specialist, Greenbelt Fund

Brendan’s work experience is broad, ranging from working with large organizations to reduce their carbon footprint, to developing mobile applications to help individuals identify sustainable products, to creating policy recommendations for diverse stakeholder groups to encourage the adoption of sustainability goals.  Brendan has been working on sustainable food system issues for several years, and as Grants Specialist for the Greenbelt Fund, he uses this experience to help Regional Food Grant Program grantees maximize their potential.

Laura Feil and Laura Sider – Program Coordinators, AAC

Laura Feil and Laura Sider are program coordinators at the Agricultural Adaptation Council (AAC). At the AAC we’re leaders in administering government funding to help build agribusiness ideas. The AAC has a unique understanding of funding program requirements, farming and agribusiness. The AAC is a not-for-profit organization that is made up of 67 Ontario agricultural, agri-food and rural organizations, and our understanding of the needs of agricultural sector helps us make funding decisions. As program coordinators, Laura and Laura work with applicants to assist them through all aspects of the funding application process to support them until their project is complete.

Register for  “What Makes A Good Funding Application?” via Webex.

This webinar is presented by the Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and Sustain Ontario.




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