Survey: How Could Ontario Advance “Food Literacy In Respect of Local Food”?

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Author: Carolyn Webb

Posted: July 2, 2014

Categories: Edible Education Network / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario

The Local Food Act requires the Government of Ontario to develop goals or targets to aspire to in the area of “Improving food literacy in respect of local food”. Sustain Ontario is working to bring together a number of perspectives to inform this process.

Sustain Ontario has prepared “A Discussion about Food Literacy Within the Context of the Local Food Act”, a draft discussion document that: compiles submissions to the Local Food Act hearings; summarizes how stakeholders see food literacy; and provides ideas that were put forward during the submission process about how Food Literacy could be advanced in Ontario.

We are now looking to build on this discussion document by seeking additional feedback into how the Government of Ontario could advance food literacy and what should be considered in setting goals and targets.

Please help inform our process by providing your input into the questions below.  The deadline for responses is the end of July (though providing your input by mid-July would be even better).

Once we have received feedback from a range of stakeholders we are planning to compile responses into a short summary document. Regarding your contribution, you will be free to remain anonymous or have your comments attributed to you in the resulting document. At the end of this process the report will be posted online for public use.

Thank you for contributing to this work! (and make sure to scroll to the bottom of the survey and hit “done” to submit your responses)

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