New Agriculture Minister Dishes Out Priorities

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Author: Toby Davine

Posted: July 2, 2014

Categories: Food in the News / GoodFoodBites / Ontario Food Policy / Policy News

lealIn a recent interview with Susan Mann of Better Farming, newly appointed Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs Minister, Jeff Leal discussed his priorities for the upcoming term.

Leal reiterated the government’s commitment to the Local Food Act, which he described as “very, very popular throughout Ontario” and the importance of food and farming as whole as an economic driver in the province.

Although no specifics were given as to its implementation, Leal also named the $100 million infrastructure fund for small, rural, and northern municipalities as a priority this term, including expanding infrastructure for natural gas.

Other subjects discussed included the province’s risk management program, chicken supply management, the Alfred and Kemptville colleges, and food literacy and food education in schools.

Sustain will continue to provide updates on the Ministry’s actions this term as they unfold. To read the full interview with Jeff Leal, click here.


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