The NDP Presents Their ‘Pan-Canadian Food Strategy’

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Author: Jamelia Williams

Posted: June 26, 2014

Categories: Food in the News / Ontario Food Policy

ndp foodThe NDP has recently launched a document outlining their Pan-Canadian food strategy. The document, Everybody Eats: Our Vision for a Pan-Canadian Food Strategy, follows the party’s 2011 Election Platform in which they committed to “introducing a Canadian Food Strategy that will combine health goals, environmental goals, and food quality objectives, and increase access to local and organic choices for consumers across the country.”  This strategy is described as “comprehensive, encompassing the inter-related issues of rural development, food security, health and safety, consumer rights and agri-business development”. The NDP hopes that it will help foster discussions by those who are passionate about agriculture and food issues, and they hope to attract new audiences while strengthening their work with farming and business communities.

You can view the NDP strategy for more details.


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