Urban Farm Request for Expression of Interest

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Author: Jamelia Williams

Posted: June 5, 2014

Categories: Food in the News / Food in the News / GoodFoodBites

urban farmFrom McQuesten Urban Farm

The McQuesten Urban Farm invites any members to consider urban farming on approximately 1.5 acres of land at their McQuesten Urban Farm Site.  They are located in the east end of Hamilton, ON.



We are a member of the McQuesten Community Planning Team.  The McQuesten Neighbourhood has been identified through the Neighbourhood Action Strategy (a partnership initiative of the City of Hamilton, the Hamilton Community Foundation and the Best Start Network) as a neighbourhood with significant barriers, including (but not limited to), poor health and well-being outcomes, statistically and by the media.  A statistical profile of priority neighbourhoods, including the McQuesten neighbourhood was developed by the Social Planning and Research Council of Hamilton and can be found at www.sprc.hamilton.on.ca/reports.pdf.

The Urban Farm site is located on an empty tract of land adjacent to the former St. Helen’s School now known as St. Helen’s Centre @ McQuesten.  The address is 785 Britannia Ave. Hamilton.

We are presently in Phase 1 of this project where we have partnered with Hamilton Victory Gardens.  We are building over 180 raised beds plus 30 communal raised beds which we will be renting to anyone interested in gardening.

The Expression of Interest:  REOI_McQuesten_Urban_Farm


Thank you for any consideration you give to this project.


For more information, you may contact:

Patricia Reid

McQuesten Urban Farm


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