The Healthiest Province: French Advocacy Toolkit

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Author: Jamelia Williams

Posted: May 29, 2014

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members / Ontario Food Policy / Vote ON Food and Farming 2014

 OCDPAThe Ontario Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance  (OCDPA) has just produced the French version of the Make Ontario the Healthiest Province advocacy toolkit: Faire de l’Ontario la province la plus en santé! This toolkit delivers an overview of the campaign and provides relevant information needed to participate in the conversation about policy changes that will help make Ontario the healthiest province.


–       The entire toolkit has been translated.

–       The social media hashtag for French is #ONensanté (as well as #HealthiestProvince and #onpoli to connect all dialogue).

–       In the facts section (pp 21 – 29), the French version of the source is provided where available.

–       All French content is on the website While the site does not mirror in French, each publication has two links, the French version and the English version. This means that if you’re looking for the Q&A in French, you can go to that  section in English and the French pdf is available on the same page.

Visit for more information and to access both the French and English versions of this toolkit.

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