Will Party Leaders Support Food And Farming In Ontario?

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Author: Jamelia Williams

Posted: May 28, 2014

Categories: News from Sustain Ontario

VoteON logo featured imageProvincial cross-sectoral alliance asks political leaders about how they will commit to strengthening Ontario’s food and farming system

Last Friday, in a media release, Sustain Ontario sent 11 questions to provincial party leaders, seeking their commitments to healthy food and farming policies as part of the 2014 Vote ON Food election campaign.  Party responses will be published online on the Vote ON Food Report Card, alongside other web-based resources that will inform both MPP candidates and the public about the importance of Ontario’s food systems. Food and farming policies and programs can grow Ontario’s economy, reduce healthcare costs, improve our environmental impact, reduce poverty, and improve educational outcomes.

For more details on the media release and on how you can contribute to the campaign, click on the image below.

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