This Election, Vote for a Healthier Ontario!

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Author: Toby Davine

Posted: May 27, 2014

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario / Policy News / Vote ON Food and Farming 2014

Healthy-Candidates1Ontarians are going to the polls on June 12 and, once again, the Heart & Stroke Foundation is pushing for a conversation about the future health of the province with their Healthy Candidates campaign.

The Heart & Stroke Foundation explains:

As a voter, you have the power to make your voice heard. So use it by challenging your candidates to “go healthy” with the Healthy Candidates pledge – a commitment to invest more to promote and support better health in Ontario.

Healthcare already accounts for nearly 50 cents of every dollar that government spends. If we’re not careful, that number will increase to 80 cents by 2030. That’s a cost we simply can’t afford!

The fact of the matter is that we can prevent up to 80% of premature heart disease and stroke so that Ontarians can live longer, fuller lives. Much of this starts with ensuring access to fresh, nutritious food for all – something Sustain Ontario is challenging all candidates to support this election.

With nearly 3000 Ontarians engaged and 150 candidates signed to the pledge, The Heart & Stroke Foundation believes that the answer is to challenge the next government to do even more to promote and support better health in Ontario. This will save both money and lives. Sustain Ontario couldn’t agree more.

The Foundation’s Health Promotion specialist and volunteers are now actively celebrating candidates by delivering “kudos” packages to candidates across the province. All are welcome to join in these celebration events or if you are already meeting with candidates about Voting ON Food & Farming, feel free to ask if each candidate has already taken the healthy candidates pledge.

So challenge your candidates now at – better health is worth your vote!


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