Ontario Food & Farming Organizations Invite Leadership Candidates to Debate

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Author: Toby Davine

Posted: May 21, 2014

Categories: Food in the News / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario / Vote ON Food and Farming 2014

SO checkmark transparentOntario’s agriculture, rural, and food industry organizations are calling on the four leadership candidates in the provincial election to debate food and farm issues.

An invitation from Ontario farm and processor organizations including Sustain Members Holland Marsh Growers’ Association, Organic Council of Ontario, David Cohlmeyer Consulting, and Ecosource was sent to candidates last week.

The agriculture and food industry is Ontario’s number one employer and a major driver of the economy, generating more than $40 billion annually.

Questions for the special debate will focus on agriculture, the food and beverage processing industry and other issues pertaining to rural Ontario.

Steve Paikin from TVO’s The Agenda has agreed to moderate the event.  Having been a guest on The Agenda earlier this year, Sustain Ontario is thrilled that Mr. Paikin has once again committed to highlight Ontario food and farming on his own time.


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