Think Big and Expect Better- GPO Releases Their 2014 Campaign Platform
Posted: May 14, 2014
Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario / Ontario Food Policy / Policy News / Vote ON Food and Farming 2014
Early yesterday morning, Mike Schreiner, leader of the Green Party of Ontario (GPO), released his party’s 2014 campaign platform. The father of two, indicated that he is “on a mission to bring honesty, integrity and good public policy to Queen’s Park”. The Greens have decided to focus their attention on three main areas- Jobs, Kids and the Environment. In the platform, Schreiner briefly outlined some commitments under each of the three aforementioned areas:
1) Jobs:
- Lowering payroll taxes on small business.
- Investing in transit infrastructure.
- Savings through energy conservation within homes.
2) Kids:
- Merging the school boards into one system.
- Reducing child poverty.
- Implementing a Social Innovation Foundation.
3) Environment:
- Introducing Legislation to protect Ontario’s Class 1 farmland and source water regions.
- Ensuring Ontarians receive fair share of revenues from natural resources.
- Close loopholes in legislation that threaten the community.
Those commitments that have been highlighted reflect a direct link to issues surrounding food and farming.
More details on the GPO’s platform can be found on their website.
Does this platform coincide with your vision for the future of healthy and local food and farming in Ontario? Let us know your thoughts.
For a summary of the other Parties’ Platforms: Ontario Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party, Ontario Liberal Party
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[…] the heels of the GPO’s platform release was the Ontario Progressive Conservative’s (OPC) announcement of their 2014 platform. […]