Video: Growing Food Resilience on TVO’s The Agenda

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Author: Jenn Kucharczyk

Posted: March 12, 2014

Categories: Food in the News / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario

On March 5th, TVO’s current affairs program The Agenda hosted a panel of food and farming system experts to discuss Ontario’s food security. Sustain Ontario’s Acting Director Carolyn Young participated in this panel alongside:

  • Steve Peters, Executive Director of the Alliance of Ontario Food Processors, and former Minister of Agriculture and Food
  • Brenda Lammens, Owner of Spearit Farms and Chair of the Agricultural Management Institute
  • Jamie Reaume, Chair of the Ontario Food Terminal Board & Executive Director of the Holland Marsh Growers’ Association
  • Dr. Evan Fraser, Canada Research Chair for Global Human Security at the University of Guelph.

The Agenda Steve Paikin Henriet DeBruinDiscussion topics included the importance of strengthening and enabling a mid-scale food processing sector and how the profile of agriculture and food issues has been raised over the past year.  Henriet DeBruin of DeBruin Greenhouses also spoke with host Steve Paikin about opportunities and challenges in growing food production in Northern Ontario. A recording of the interview is in the second video below.

From The Agenda: “Ontario farms some of the most fertile agricultural lands in North America. Yet we also import millions of tonnes of fresh food every year. With droughts in California, Brazil and Australia and soil contamination in China putting severe pressure on food from foreign lands, The Agenda examines how well prepared Ontario’s food system is to withstand turbulent times.

Panel Discussion

Farming Ontario’s North

One response to “Video: Growing Food Resilience on TVO’s The Agenda”

  1. […] from TVO’s The Agenda has agreed to moderate the event.  Having been a guest on The Agenda earlier this year, Sustain Ontario is thrilled that Mr. Paikin has once again committed to highlight Ontario food […]

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