CAFS Conference – Early Bird Registration Ends March 31, 2014

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Author: Karen Cronin

Posted: March 6, 2014

Categories: Events / Food in the News / GoodFoodBites

Congress 2014 logoCAFS logoBorders Without Boundaries: Exploring Collaboration in Food Studies is the ninth Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Association for Food Studies (CAFS). The conference will be held at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario, from  May 24–27, 2014 during Congress 2014. Register before March 31st for earlybird prices!

CAFS was founded by academics and professionals from governmental and community organizations, who are interested in promoting interdisciplinary scholarship in the broad area of food systems, such as food policy, production, distribution and consumption. A general agenda for the conference includes:

Saturday May 24

  • Pre-conference for students, post-doctorates and new researchers

Sunday May 25

  • Opening plenary: Borders, Boundaries, and Becoming Food Studies: Looking Back, Pushing Forward book launch and awards reception

Monday May 26

  • Morning field trips
  • Panel discussion: Unpacking Collaboration: Objectives, Motivations, Processes, Outcomes
  • Keynote address by Dr. Kathleen LeBesco: Food, Fat, Morality, and Mortality: Collaborating Toward Justice
  • Banquet at St. Catharines’ Market Square

Tuesday May 27

CAFS 2014 Annual General Meeting

Visit the Congress for the Humanities and Social Sciences website for registration and more information. Fees are as follows:

Early Bird Congress fee prior to March 31st

  • Regular: $165
  • Students, retired and unwaged: $60

Congress fee as of April 1st

  • Regular: $199
  • Students, retired and unwaged: $80

Please note, the Congress fee is mandatory for all attendees including speakers, presenters, panelists and those chairing or attending a session.

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